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공부하자!!/영어 공부하기


ARCHENEER 2021. 3. 3. 20:56


When and where will the event take place? what time will it start?

It will be held in + 소장소 at + 대장소
it will take place on 요일 it will start at + 시간

It will be held in the banquet hall at Emeral Hotel
It will take place on Thursday, April 5th. it will start at 10 a.m.

Don't be late
Please don't worry about it
What time will the orientation start?
Who is the first speaker?

It will start at 9 a.m.
Jeniffer Brownm the president, will give a welcome speech.

Please remember that.
I was told that the event will end aroud  4 p.m. is that right?

[A] - yes or no.
No, you have the wrong information
(Yes, you have the right information)
it will end at 5 p.m.
I was told that lunch will not be provided at the orientation. 
Is that right?

[A] - yes or no.

No, you have the wrong information
Lunch will be provided in the company in the company cafeteria.
Don't worry about it.
I am interested in developing mobile apps.
What sessions would be help for people like me?

There are two sessions. 
First, at 2 p.m., there will be a presentation on moile app development 
given by Edgen Randall
Sencond, at 3 p.m., Lucy Webber will give a presentation on app development software.

Both of them should be helpful.
What are all the sessions scheduled after lunch?

There are two sessions.
At 1 p.m., Scott Connors will intoduce our staff.
Next, there will be a facility tour led by Helen Wiliams from 1:30 to 3 p.m.

Please keep that in mind.

'공부하자!! > 영어 공부하기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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