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목록직장인 영어공부 (18)
아빠는 공부쟁이
[DAY 1] measure 조치, 방법 production 생산량 ensure 반드시 ~ 하게 하다 in a timely manner 적절한 시기에, 적시에 supervisor 관리자 submit 제출하다 application 지원서 justify ~의 정당성을 증명하다. 정당화하다 budget 예산 eventually 결국 [DAY 2] essentials 요소, 본질적 요소 production 생산 advise against ~ ~에 반대의견을 제시하다 implement 실행하다 unstable 불안정한 decline 감소하다, 줄이다. demand 수요 [DAY3] withdraw (약속등을)취소하다, 철회하다 substitute 대체하다. 대용하다 surrender 항복하다 chin 턱 chee..
00:09 Nature reveals itself to us in unique ways, if we stop and look at the world through a window of time. 00:17 Over the last decade, I've observed endangered species and habitats around the world, using a photographic technique that captures the passage of time, literally from day to night, all within a single image. It has allowed me to witness the fleeting moments between wildlife and the ..
08:00 We have thousands of years of ancient knowledge that we just need to listen to and allow it to expand our thinking about designing symbiotically with nature. And by listening, we'll only become wiser and ready for those 21st-century challenges that we know will endanger our people and our planet. And I've seen it. I know that it's possible. symbolically 1. 상징적으로 2. 기호로 endanger 1.… 을 2. 위태..
05:46 What amazes me is that while an individual acadja is pretty insignificant, when it's multiplied by 12,000, it creates an Indigenous technology the scale of industrial aquaculture, which is the greatest threat to our mangrove ecosystems... but this technology -- it builds more biodiversity than before. insignificant 1.미미한 2. 중요하지 multiply 1. 곱하다 2. 늘리다 3. 증가시키다 4. 증식시키다 5. 번식하다 indigenous [..
03:25 Although global attention is focused on the pandemic, cities are still sinking and sea levels are still rising. And high-tech solutions are definitely going to help us solve some of these problems, but in our rush towards the future, we tend to forget about the past. 03:43 In other parts of the world, where rivers are contaminated with sewage, a city of 15 million people cleans its waste w..
05:24 I remember my stepbrother and I went to go see "Top Gun, " whatever year that came out. And I remember we walked out of the mall, it was, like, blazing hot, I just looked at him, and we both felt that movie just like a calling from God. You know? Just ... But completely differently. Like, I wanted to be an actor. I was like, I've got to make something that makes people feel. I just want to..
03:26 And I believe that we are here on this star in space to try to help one another. Right? And first we have to survive, and then we have to thrive. And to thrive, to express ourselves, alright, well, here's the rub: we have to know ourselves. What do you love? And if you get close to what you love, who you are is revealed to you, and it expands. thrive 1. 번창하다 2. 성장하다 3. 넘쳐나다 4. 확장하다 5. 무성하다..
01:43 So you have to ask yourself: Do you think human creativity matters? Well, hmm. Most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about poetry. Right? They have a life to live, and they're not really that concerned with Allen Ginsberg's poems or anybody's poems, until their father dies, they go to a funeral, you lose a child, somebody breaks your heart, they don't love you anymore, and all of ..