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TED: Give yourself permission to be creative - 10 본문

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TED: Give yourself permission to be creative - 10

ARCHENEER 2020. 9. 16. 05:53

My great grandmother, Della Hall Walker Green,

on her deathbed,

she wrote this little biography in the hospital,

and it was only about 36 pages long,

and she spent about five pages on the one time

she did costumes for a play.


Her first husband got, like, a paragraph.

Cotton farming, of which she did for 50 years, gets a mention.


Five pages on doing these costumes.

And I look --

my mom gave me one of her quilts that she made,

and you can feel it.

She was expressing herself,

and it has a power that's real. 


  • 증조모


  • 1. 죽음의
  • 2. 임종
  • 3. 임종의


  • 1. 전기
  • 2. 자서전
  • 3. 약력


  • 1. 의상
  • 2. 복장
  • 3. 분장
  • 4. 코스튬


  • 1. 단락
  • 2.… 항(項)
  • 3. 문단
  • 4. 절


  • 1. 퀼트
  • 2. 누비이불
  • 3. 덮개

제 증조할머니 델라 홀 워커 그린은 

임종 때 병원에서 작은 전기를 쓰셨는데 

분량은 36페이지 정도에 불과했지만 

5페이지 정도를 한 때 연극을 위한 의상을 만든 것에 대해 쓰셨죠. 


첫 번째 남편에 대해 한 단락을 쓰셨고 

50년 동안 해왔던 목화 재배는 언급 정도 하셨습니다. 

의상에 대해 5페이지나 쓰셨어요. 

할머니가 만드신 누비이불 하나를 

어머니가 제게 주셨는데 

느낄 수 있었습니다. 


할머니께서는 스스로를 표현하셨고 

그건 진짜의 힘을 가지고 있습니다. 
