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코로나로 인해, 우울증을 겪는 이들이 많아지고 있다고 합니다. 오늘은 코로나 우울증이라고 불리는 "코로나 블루"에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. 1. 코로나 블루/ 코로나 우울 "코로나 19"와 우울감을 뜻하는 "blue"가 합쳐진 신조어 코로나 확산으로 인해 일상에 큰 변화가 닥치면서 생긴 우울감이나 무기력증을 뜻함. 문화체육관광부와 국립국어원은 "코로나 블루"를 대체할 쉬운 우리말로 "코로나 우울"을 선정함. 2. 코로나 블루 극복 방법 1. 수면・기상 시간 규칙적으로 하기 - 규칙적인 수면과 기상을 유지하는 것만으로 코로나 블루를 이겨낼 수 있다고 합니다. 2. 가볍게 운동 시작하기 - 매일 30 ~ 60분 동안 가벼운 운동으로 극복 3. SNS, 전화를 통해 자주 안부 묻기 - 사회적 거리두기는 심리적 ..
05:24 I remember my stepbrother and I went to go see "Top Gun, " whatever year that came out. And I remember we walked out of the mall, it was, like, blazing hot, I just looked at him, and we both felt that movie just like a calling from God. You know? Just ... But completely differently. Like, I wanted to be an actor. I was like, I've got to make something that makes people feel. I just want to..
My great grandmother, Della Hall Walker Green, on her deathbed, she wrote this little biography in the hospital, and it was only about 36 pages long, and she spent about five pages on the one time she did costumes for a play. Her first husband got, like, a paragraph. Cotton farming, of which she did for 50 years, gets a mention. Five pages on doing these costumes. And I look -- my mom gave me on..
04:16 I've played cops, I've played criminals, I've played priests, I've played sinners, and the magic of this over a lifetime, over 30 years of doing this, is that you start to see that my experiences, me, Ethan, is not nearly as unique as I thought. I have so much in common with all these people. And so they have something in common with me. You start to see how connected we all are. sinner 1...
2단계로 줄었다는 말에 우선 안정감을 느낍니다. 코로나 확진자 감소 추이에 따라, 정부는 내일(14일)부터 2주간 수도권 거리두기를 2단계로 하향한다고 발표하였습니다. 포장·배달만 허용됐던 수도권 프랜차이즈형 커피전문점·제과점·아이스크림점·빙수전문점 등은 기존처럼 매장 내부에서 취식할 수 있음. 다만 중대본은 한 테이블 내 좌석 한 칸 띄어 앉기나 테이블 간 띄어앉기 등으로 매장 내 인원을 제한한다고 설명했다. 마스크 착용, 출입자 명부 작성, 테이블 간 2m(최소 1m) 간격 유지도 준수해야 한다. 포장·배달만 하는 경우 출입자 명부를 쓰지 않아도 된다. 일반음식점·휴게음식점·제과점은 오후 9시 이후로 포장·배달 주문만 받을 수 있었으나 방역수칙을 준수한다는 전제 하에 기존처럼 매장 영업이 가능하다. ..
03:51 For me, it was really easy. I did my first professional play. I was 12 years old. I was in a play called "Saint Joan" by George Bernard Shaw at the McCarter Theatre, and -- boom! -- I was in love. My world just expanded. And that profession -- I'm almost 50 now -- that profession has never stopped giving back to me, and it gives back more and more, mostly, strangely, through the characters..
03:26 And I believe that we are here on this star in space to try to help one another. Right? And first we have to survive, and then we have to thrive. And to thrive, to express ourselves, alright, well, here's the rub: we have to know ourselves. What do you love? And if you get close to what you love, who you are is revealed to you, and it expands. thrive 1. 번창하다 2. 성장하다 3. 넘쳐나다 4. 확장하다 5. 무성하다..
02:42 OK. Well, what is it? Human creativity is nature manifest in us. We look at the, oh... the aurora borealis. Right? I did this movie called "White Fang" when I was a kid, and we shot up in Alaska, and you go out at night and the sky was like rippling with purple and pink and white, and it's the most beautiful thing I ever saw. It really looked like the sky was playing. Beautiful. You go to ..